Ústí nad Orlicí, Bohemia
German name: Wildenschwert
Province: Bohemia
Commentary: The Lanškroun estate, to which Ústí nad Orlicí belonged, was bought by Charles of Liechtenstein in 1622. Under his son Jan Ondřej of Liechtenstein, the first Jews arrived in the town in 1690. They were two tanners. They settled in Podměstí (Downtown) by t
Synagogue: No
Jewish Cemetery: No
Town References
Transport List: https://pinkas.jewishmuseum.cz/vyhledavani/vysledky?searchName=Usti+nad+Orlici&search=
Notes: People Transported
Archives: https://iajgscemetery.org/eastern-europe/czech-republic/zamberk
Notes: IAJGS Cemetery Project
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