Uhříněves, Bohemia
German name: Aurinowes
Province: Bohemia
Jewish community date: 1670
Synagogue: Yes
Current Synagogue Use: Shop
Jewish Cemetery: Yes
Town References
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prague_22
Notes: Wikipedia
Archive: https://www.frs.org.uk/urineves-in-pictures.html
Notes: Uhříněves in Pictures, from the website of Finchley Reform Synagogue
Archives: https://pinkas.jewishmuseum.cz/vyhledavani/vysledky?searchName=Uhrineves&search=
Notes: People transported
Archives: https://www.frs.org.uk/urineves-in-pictures.html
Notes: FRS website Uhrineves in pictures
Archives: https://www.frs.org.uk/uhrineves-timeline.html
Notes: FRS website Uhrineves timeline
Archives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qppT3WGEww8
Notes: FRS video
Archives: https://pinkas.jewishmuseum.cz/vyhledavani/vysledky?searchName=Uhrineves&search=
Notes: People Transported
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